Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Cast ne'er a clout....and all that jazz!

As we gallop into May we come to all the regular features for the first Friday in the month, and all the usual suspects came along to join the fun.
Dr Stephen Mann popped in to chat about all that's happening at the new Lion Health Centre in Wollaston. He also told us all we need to know about the plague that is Hayfever and gave us his views on the latest news from the World Health Organisation on the worrying trend towards the failure of certain anti-biotics.
Mick, Paul & John attended our monthly business forum to discuss the local economy and its impact on small businesses throughout the borough.
Dudley Arts Council Chairman, Keith Horsfall gave us his regular update of all that's finest in the local arts world, you can check out all the details on the website 
Plus: We have guests John & Lisa from Birmingham & Midland Operatic Society to talk about their latest production, Lisa is a good friend of the afternoon show and we prevailed upon her to give us a minute or two of her heralded Marie Lloyd impersonation!
 .                               south pacific_artwork_2

Finally, I’ll had a chat with Chris Grayston from Teenstar about the launch of their Open Mic event for 2014, again you can find all the details on the website .
It was a busy week for Mr Faux and myself, including attending a never to be forgotten concert with the truly wonderful David Serero at Birmingham's Glee Club.
Photo: Night out at the Glee club with Mark williams.
Follow the link for video of me ruining Davids act!

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