Friday, 11 July 2014

Joe Matera -Terra Firma : Album Review

This is the second studio album from acclaimed guitarist Joe Matera and features a raft of great tracks that reinforce his claims to guitar hero status. In addition he showcases his vocal range not least on the albums single Shining Star, with its plaintive lyrics telling of long distance love and the joys and pains such a relationship brings. However it is with his guitar playing that Joe truly shines, from the upbeat and sparklingly brief opening of Intro III into the altogether bluesier and muddier title track Terra Firma, Joe proves once again his ability to coax a whole range of emotions from his guitar. 
This album feels much more a personal journey for Joe, from the sweetly contemplative Brick by Brick to the emotional angst apparent in the music and lyrics of Tell Me Why, this is an album of personal growth and catharsis. As ever Joe's guitar playing is consummate throughout the album and the production is excellent with the accent on the musicianship rather than the tricks of the trade. As Joe himself says in Shining Star 'When Nights Are Cold' just bung this on the turntable, kick back and let the sounds wash over you, and let Mr Matera's musical vision carry you away to a magical place for a while, you won't regret it.

Terra Firma is available on Mecury Fire Music

Friday, 6 June 2014

It's all go at The Bridge

It's the first of the month so Dr Stephen Mann will be along to talk about staying safe in the sun, combating high blood pressure and life with the Lions at the new Lion Medical Centre.

We also have a chat with Dr Brendan Burchall, Head of Sociology at Cambridge University about the results of the Good Deed Poll. Are we as altruistic as we like to think we are? Brendan has the results of the latest research and is able to tell us!

The usual suspects will be along to the monthly Business Forum to discuss the housing bubble, European election results, and the Chamber of Commerce Quarterly Survey.

Fans of Queen mourning the demise of We Will Rock You after a 12 year run in the West End will be pleased to know that some of the talented musicians involved have formed a new band. Space Elevator have recorded their first album and are performing their first gigs later this month. Brian May has added his support and the band, fronted by the enigmatic and cat-suited Duchess will soon be out on tour. I spoke to guitarist Dave Young about the band and their music earlier this week.

Popping into the studio is Aleisha Parker to talk about The Big Gig taking place at The Arena in Stourbridge on the 12th July.

There is another chance to hear my interview with Phil Jones from folk band Hatful of Rain.

Also I will be chatting with a representative of the Chartered Society of  Physiotherapy about their Workout at Work initiative.

We will be making the draw for the winners of two pairs of tickets to next Fridays production of South Pacific by BMOS at the New Alexander Theatre, and Dionne fro the Elton Centre next door may pop in to tell us all about the volunteers fayre taking place at the Elton Centre this afternoon.

Finally, as today is the anniversary of D Day, we will be commemorating the moving and truly extra-ordinary events taking place on the French Coast today. Earlier this week I enjoyed a terrific concert by singing duo The Land Girls with our good friends at Stourbridge Institute, who must be congratulated on putting on such a wonderful event (faggots & mushy peas included!).
so we'll be playing a track or two from the girls album, especially as a percentage of all sales goes to Help for Heroes.

We'll also listen once again to my interview with forces sweetheart Dame Vera Lynn, and of  course, Dame Vera will be our Featured Artist of the Day.

Should be a cracking show, come along & join me, you know it makes sense.



Thursday, 5 June 2014

Time for a catch up!

Hi all, last weeks show was the usual hectic mix of music and chat with some great guests popping along to say hello.
We launched our first welly, and gave out  all the information you need on The Black Country(Open) Welly Wanging Championship, 21st June.

It is Volunteers Week 1st -7th June, and DCVS & Age Concern Stourbridge have volunteers fayres running on the 6th & 7th June, checkout their websites for full details. 

Kat from Orchards Estates and Lettings popped in to talk about the volatile housing market, and gave us all the latest information on renting  in today’s harsh economic climate.
Sue Wallin, Chris & James from Side by Side came along to tell us all about their latest production Illyria upon Sea, their work with the RSC & the exciting news about their appearance at Edingburgh later this year.

I chatted with Phil Jones from folk band Hatful of Rain, about their latest album & tour.

Fashion & Style expert and presenter of TVs This Morning, Darren Kennedy came on to tell us all how we can become more empowered and confident more often.
Finally we had an early catch up of all things Dudley Arts Council with Keith Horsfall.
We have new music from MetroGnome, Daniel Mutch,  Jack Robert Hardman, Louise Rutkowski and Stephen Dale Petit.
Our Featured Artist was Sir Tom Jones,
A busy time was had by all and the sun shone throughout.

Thursday, 29 May 2014


I kid you not. It's a proud day indeed, put 21st June in your diary as it's the first annual Black Country (Open) Welly Wanging Championships.

There is, as you may imagine, much excitement at The Bridge as the event is to be the highlight of the sports team's year (They don't get out much admittedly), be that as it may, plans for OBs and ongoing commentary are already far advanced, (Roy Felstead has bought new batteries for the OB unit) and sports reporter extraordinaire Dan Tipton, (the Welly Wanging world's equivalent of Eddie Waring), is already warming up his tonsils in preparation for the big day. I am also very pleased to announce that local writer, historian, broadcaster and avid welly wanger in his spare time, Mr Graham Fisher MBE has agreed to be the events patron, and will attend on the big day to present prizes to the winning athletes. All monies raised will go to assist Age Concern Stourbridge & Halesowen in the fabulous work it does year in and year out.

This is all part of the wider event that is the Age Concern Family Fun Day, taking place from 10 am to 4pm on Saturday June 21st on the field at the rear of the former Mary Stevens Maternity Hospital, Hagley Road, Oldswinford, DY8 2JR. Also happening on the day:

Family Fun Dog Show, Run by DY5K9 Academy, inc a variety of catergories; waggiest tail, most like its owner, agility, fancy dress

Bridge Road-Show throughout the day featuring many of your favourite Bridge Presenters and Dan Richards! Plus have your photo taken with Bridget Mouse.

Entertainment for your delectation & delight from Joe Parkes, Black Country Gaz, Pedmore Panthers Cheerleaders, Malcolm Palmer & Stourbridge George Formby Society, Desert Orchid Belly Danceing Troupe, plus surprise guests.

Childrens face painting, treasure hunt and welly painting competition - with prizes!!

BBQ all day from 10am, plus sandwiches & snacks, & ice cream

Also: Put your loved ones in the medieval stocks (for a minimal fee), A wide variety of stalls run by local organisations & individuals, onsite parking & FREE ENTRY.

We've ordered great weather for the day, so what's not to like? Come along, bring the family and have some fun, and wang a welly whilst you're at it!



The origins of Welly Wanging in the Black Country are steeped in myth, some say it originated with the coal miners of Sedgley as a playful way of attracting a colleague’s attention in the dark and clamour of the pit. Others claim it was taken up by the working bargees on the canals as a means of expressing disapproval should the captain of another vessel cut them up at the lock gates. Whatever the truth it has a long and honourable history as a means of settling disputes in a, relatively, non- violent manner, and may date back further than we think!

The most famous Black Country Welly Wanger is undoubtedly Frederick Arthur Bowen, known simply as the ‘Gornal Welly-Wanger’, a man around whom legends have grown, his prowess with the boot is widely renowned, it is said he once wanged a welly from the tip of Castle Hill to the top of Kates Hill without so much as breaking sweat, or spilling his beer, just to prove it was possible.

It is in the spirit of this famous man that we are proud to announce the first ever annual Black Country Welly Wanging Championships. We follow in the footsteps of our esteemed colleagues at Upperthong in Yorkshire, acknowledged home of the sport and home too of the Welly Wanging World Championships held each year during the Upperthong Gala weekend.

The Black Country Event is sponsored by Age Concern (Stourbridge & Halesowen) & The Bridge Radio and will be played in strict accordance with the Upperthong official code of practise 

‘The sport is to be played with the upmost of British sportsmanship and a large smattering of sense of humour. The premise is blindingly simple – all competitors have to do is wang a Wellington boot as far as possible within defined boundary lines, from a standing or running start. It’s pretty much the same as the javelin event in the Olympics with the exception that a welly is unlikely to ever skewer an unexpecting judge or spectator’.

Competition Rules:

The Rules of Welly Wanging in the Black Country differ slightly from their well-known Yorkshire & Welsh counterparts:

Welly wanging is a sport open to all people irrespective of age, sex, race, creed, religion, nationality and colour, and even Brummies.

The sport shall be a civilised affair. Fair play, good humour and good manners shall be exhibited at all times.
No umpire shall be needed. A player’s word and their honour shall be sufficient. However a referee will be provided anyway for the purposes of having someone available for the crowd to abuse!

Distances shall be measured in yards, feet and inches. None of this European nonsense.

The standard welly shall be whatever is available on the day, we aren’t made of wellies you know!

No tampering with the welly shall be allowed. Factory finish or natural wear and tear only. No silicone polish or aerodynamic alteration is to be applied.

A maximum run-up of 42 paces shall be allowed. This distance was chosen in memory of Douglas Adams, himself a proponent of the sport.

The run-up shall end with a straight line of 7 feet in length, commonly known as 'the lock', that being the width of a standard Black Country Canal Lock Gate.

The welly shall land within the area defined by the straight lines as laid out by the event organisers, this playing area being known alternately as the Thong (after the Yorkshire home of Welly Wanging) or more colloquially in the Black Country, as the  ‘Swine’.

There shall be four categories: Men’s and Women’s, and Boys and Girls (u-14’s).

The welly shall be projected using any action of the arm or foot for the respective categories.

The use of wind assistance is allowed and, indeed, encouraged. Waiting for a suitable gust, however, is limited to one minute. No artificial or man-made wind is to be used.

The winners of the two adult categories at the Black Country  Championships shall receive the traditional local trophy, a ring of locally made and delicious black pudding and respect from all Welly Wangers and right thinking people across the world. 

Winners of the Children’s category shall receive pretty much the same really, plus the added bonus of playground kudos and the envy and respect of their peers. 

The overall champion will also be presented with a Golden Boot, a memento to treasure always.

The above rules are to be applied, sparingly and with no malice aforethought!

Throwing Techniques: There are a number listed on the Upperthong website, not all are accepted as universally successful, but all are legitimate within the rules of the competition.

Flicking it off the end of your leg –  Rarely successful, can result in torn ligaments!

One handed - This is a commonly used technique, where the competitor uses a single hand to wang his or her welly. This can be attempted either right or left-handed, but we reccomend only using one boot per hand at any given time, or chaos will ensue!

The disinterested sidearm shuffle – this is regularly used by partners/parents/children of dedicated welly wangers , who are taking part simply to support/humour the welly wanger in their life, whilst secretly wishing they were doing something more meaningful ie buying a bag of sugar or cutting their toe nails! This technique rarely wins any prizes, although success in beating their loved ones mark often results in recrimination and resentment before the natural sporting nature intrinsic to the welly wanger reasserts itself.

Double handed – This is often used where there is a particularly large welly, so that both hands can fit securely around the boot. Propulsion in this position usually involves a shot-putt or discus style swing and spin technique. The challenge with this technique is managing to maintain accuracy whilst pursing maximum velocity. Spectators beware!

Between the legs – This is where the competitor throws the welly from between their legs, facing towards the target and bending the legs slightly to accommodate the swing. This is a commonly applied technique for smaller competitors and beginners. Not a good idea for anyone with a dodgy back.

Backward throw – This is when the competitor throws the welly over their head, whilst facing away from their target. Whilst this enables a large back swing, it also means that the target is out of sight for the duration of the throw. The competitor must also be wary of having the boot land on their head when throwing in this position !

World Records

According to the Guinness Book of World Records the furthest Welly Wanging throws were set at Hämeenlinna, Finland, on 12 October 1996. The measured throws were :

Men - 63.98m by Teppo Luoma (Finland)
Women - 40.87m by Sari Tirkkon (Finland)

These may be impressive, but they are measured in metric, so disallowed in the Black Country !

History of Yorkshire Welly Wanging:

History has it that the sport originated from a spat between two farmers in the local pub one night. An unfortunate incident saw the spilling of ale into the wellington boot of an innocent and unwitting bystander. Notwithstanding the virtual criminal act of spilling ale in the first place – something that would almost certainly have caused a chorus of boos, hisses and well deserved verbal abuse directed at the clumsy oaf. The farmer whose trousers were now sodded and whose foot was drowned up to the ankle was not best pleased by all accounts. In a fit of rage he removed his boot and preceeded to chase the drink spilling fool out of the pub swinging hard and fast with his improvised rubber weapon.
Unfortunately, with only one boot he was considerably slower than his prey. And so in a fit of frustration he wanged the boot as hard as he could in the direction of the faster farmer. It’s unclear whether he missed or managed to clonk the chap on the back of the head.

It just remains to see who prevails on the day, so go to it good people of The Black Country and remember the traditional cry  ‘More power to the Welly!’
Mark Williams OOTB (Order of the Boot)

With all due thanks and reverence for the World Welly Wanging Championships at UpperThong, may your wellies never wither.

Friday, 23 May 2014

Winging towards another bank holiday weekend!

Bank Holiday Weekend, so of course, it's raining! But never mind, kick back, relax and let me and the Friday Afternoon Show bring some much needed Sunshine into your life. As ever we have some fascinating guests to chat with including many making a welcome return visit to the show:

Eileen Fielding from Dudley Council for Voluntary Services is coming along to chat about Volunteers Week, which is an annual celebration of the terrific work undertaken by volunteers throughout the UK and this, the 30th year of Volunteers Week, falls between 1st & 7th June. Eileen will be telling us about how you can get involved through a variety of Volunteer Fayres and open days.

Newcomer to the show and organiser of the largest Vegan Festival in the UK and arguably the world, Tim Barford, will be along to tell us all about this years event taking place this weekend, and even as I sit typing this, in Bristol. Headline bands, great food, friendly people and an amazing vibe, what's not to like?

The multi award winning Side by Side Theatre are an absolute favourite of The Afternoon Show, The Bridge and from a personal point of view are always a joy to interview. Sue Wallin MBE and members of Side by Side are coming along to tell us all about their latest production 'Illyria on Sea', and about their ongoing partnership with the RSC, and some exciting news about the Edinburgh Festival.

The inimitable Colin Blunstone chats with me about his UK tour, promoting his solo album 'On the Air Tonight'. Colin will be at one of his favourite UK venues, The Robin 2 in Bilston on 8th June, and tickets are still available. 

Finally we say a big hello to Ukulele player extraordinaire, leading light of the fight to Save Dudley Hippodrome, and Chairman of the Stourbridge branch of the George Formby Society, Malcolm Palmer.
Malcolm will be discussing all these things, plus no doubt a plethora of other interests.

Simon isn't with us this week, but he has put together a Todays Top Ten and Liam & I will attempt to do it justice. This week also sees the return of Lost in Translation, and Liam will be presenting that throughout the show. Oh and the featured artist today is Ultravox.

So come along and join the fun, you're always welcome.

'Turned out nice again'



Friday, 16 May 2014

The sun it shineth.......

Yes indeed 81 degrees! By crikey we must be paying the right amount of council tax or summat. However we can all rest secure in the knowledge that it can't possibly last.

In the meantime, whatever the weather you're always welcome to come and join us on the afternoon show, for great guests, great chat and impossibly terrific music.

This week we welcome our friends Marc & Lorraine from Insight for Carers. They are coming along to tell us all about their new awards  'we love carers', we at The Bridge are proud to be partners in the scheme and we'll be telling you how you can make nominations and get involved.

I'll be chatting with soul singer Alyssa English about her latest single, writing, recording and touring, we'll also be listening to some of her music so check her out at

My grandchildren finally start to think I'm as I get to chat with Chris Jarvis of Chris & Pui Roadshow  and Cebeebies fame. Chris & Pui are appearing at The Artrix in Bromsgrove on 27th May, and we'll be chatting about life on the road, what we can expect from the roadshow and most importantly whether there are going to be any more episodes of Step Inside!
My final guest this week is Lorraine Newman from  local choral favourites Viva Musica, Lorraine is popping along to tell us all about their latest concert which takes place this Saturday at St James church Wollaston and features the Summerhill Choral Society.  Checkout the Viva Musica website for all the details.

Simon is busy compiling this weeks Top Ten, favourite holiday destinations, by all means get in touch if you have a favourite you'd like him to include.

I'll have news about two great new competitions, and don't forget its not too late to enter the competition  to win tickets to see the BMOS production of South Pacific at the New Alexander theatre in Birmingham. Check the Bridge competitions page or last weeks show blog for all the details.

Just in case you hadn't heard Stourbridge Blues Festival has risen from the ashes and there is a concert taking place on Saturday featuring a veritable cornucopia of great local bands go to for full details.

Finally, we have our featured artist of the week, and with the sun shining who better to celebrate but The Beach Boys. Come along and join us, you're always welcome.



Tuesday, 13 May 2014

album review- Quite Frankly - Nina Baker

How do you define the genre hopping talents of singer songwriter Nina Baker? Her piano driven songs pull in influences from classical, jazz, blues & rock and she then adds her own personal world view and experience through lyrics that range from the poptastic vivacity of Single Bed or Little Fibs to the heart rending Bruising or deeply romantic When I'm not With You. Nina has created an album that is at times joyful, at times dark and mysterious, but at it's heart Quite Frankly is finely crafted pop music, with just enough grit to create pearls.

Recorded in Wales & London, the album is beautifully produced, mixed and mastered and features some terrific musicians including a driving rhythm section comprising Fredy Solstice & Simon Dring, formerly with blues guitarist Oli Brown, and the subtle yet assured lead guitar work of Adam Moore.

However you slice it, it always comes back to Nina's love of the piano, which is at the forefront of all the song arrangements. Quite Frankly is a testament to her talent & versatility as a songwriter, musician and performer. Don't make a Stupid Mistake, buy the album, remember the name, you'll be glad you did. This is simply the first step on what will be a long and rewarding musical journey.

For more info on Nina Baker checkout the website:


Monday, 12 May 2014

Album Review - The Broadway Baritone - David Serero

Every once in a while a talent rises that is totally unique and a true joy to experience, such is French Baritone David Serero. Opera singer, Actor, Producer, Baritone, Comedian & Entertainer, David is a true Renaissance man. His latest album, The Broadway Baritone, features songs from some of the greatest musical theatre shows, including Camelot, My Fair Lady, Phantom of The Opera & Fiddler on The Roof and many others. His rich, classical baritone and sultry French accent add a mellifluous flair to all the songs on the album, but this is particularly true with his rendition of Some Enchanted Evening , the Rogers & Hammerstein classic from South Pacific, David makes this song his own and surely the role of Emile de Becque is one he was born to play.

Throughout the album the music is fabulously interpreted by the world famous Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Paul Bateman & James Fitzpatrick. The album is filled with great moments, but if David's Impossible Dream from his signature role of Don Quixotte from Man of La Mancha (Leigh & Darion) doesn't make the hair on the back of your neck stand up, then I'll eat several courses of assorted hats!

This is a finely crafted album featuring a stunningly talented singer, a man who somehow manages to convey his love of life and his joy in his chosen profession through every phrase and note that he sings. I notice that on the cover it says volume one, here's looking forward to hearing volume two very, very soon.

Checkout Davids website for further information on releases & tours



Wednesday, 7 May 2014

The Rain it raineth......

And so as May Bank Holiday fades away, down comes the rain again! It's good for the gardens, so they tell me. However if you're sat at home shivering this Friday afternoon why not join me at The Bridge from 1pm -4pm, we have some terrific music and some great guests.

During the afternoon we are being joined by pupils from Peters Hill School, they have their own school radio station and they're coming along to the studio for a look see. With any luck the'll be able to give me a few pointers and tell me where I'm going wrong!

I will be speaking with the wonderful Chantel McGregor, an outstanding blues guitarist and nominee for Guitarist of the year 2014, Chantel is always great fun, a terrific guest and drop dead gorgeous into the bargain. Chantel is on tour at the moment and appearing at The Artrix theatre in Bromsgrove on 17th May.

Check out her website for full details of the tour.

We're also going all progressive for the afternoon. I shall be talking to John Young from prog rock band Lifesigns, about touring, life, the universe and bacon butties.
Prog Rock, "Lifesigns Band"

There will be new music from Glasgow band Alavano and Alyssa English and my featured artist is American singer sonwriter Alyssa Bonagura. A veritable plethora of Alyssa's!

Plus I'll have news of the We Love Carers awards 2014, so tune in and get involvedimage.jpeg


Album Review - Atlas by Owls of the Swamp

Atlas is the latest album from Owls of the Swamp the experimental & atmospheric project of Australian singer-songwriter Pete Uhlenbruch. Featuring guest appearances from Markéta Irglová (The Swell Season), Ryan Karazija (Low Roar), Myrra Rós, Svavar Knútur and Phia. The album was recorded on his mobile studio across Germany and the UK, and mixed in Reykjavik, Iceland by Sturla Mio Thorisson.
As ever with Uhlenbruch, there is a sense of yearning intrinsic in the music, he has the ability to explore his environment and convey both the aching beauty and burning sense of loss that mans actions on his environment may lead to. The song Garden perfectly conveys this, with its dream like quality and elegantly poignant lyricism.
All that said, Atlas is an album of hope, and if you’re overwhelmed by the stresses and strains of the world, sit down, turn it up loud and let the lullaby qualities of Shapeshifter, or the elegiac warmth of Shelter take you to an altogether safer place.
The album concludes with Grandfather Clock, a deceptively bittersweet homage to the night, like the rest of the album ethereal and mysterious, but strangely accessible. Pour a glass of wine, put your feet up, close your eyes and immerse yourself in this warmly hypnotic album.
Atlas available from Bandcamp records from 6th May


Cast ne'er a clout....and all that jazz!

As we gallop into May we come to all the regular features for the first Friday in the month, and all the usual suspects came along to join the fun.
Dr Stephen Mann popped in to chat about all that's happening at the new Lion Health Centre in Wollaston. He also told us all we need to know about the plague that is Hayfever and gave us his views on the latest news from the World Health Organisation on the worrying trend towards the failure of certain anti-biotics.
Mick, Paul & John attended our monthly business forum to discuss the local economy and its impact on small businesses throughout the borough.
Dudley Arts Council Chairman, Keith Horsfall gave us his regular update of all that's finest in the local arts world, you can check out all the details on the website 
Plus: We have guests John & Lisa from Birmingham & Midland Operatic Society to talk about their latest production, Lisa is a good friend of the afternoon show and we prevailed upon her to give us a minute or two of her heralded Marie Lloyd impersonation!
 .                               south pacific_artwork_2

Finally, I’ll had a chat with Chris Grayston from Teenstar about the launch of their Open Mic event for 2014, again you can find all the details on the website .
It was a busy week for Mr Faux and myself, including attending a never to be forgotten concert with the truly wonderful David Serero at Birmingham's Glee Club.
Photo: Night out at the Glee club with Mark williams.
Follow the link for video of me ruining Davids act!

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Album Review - Have You Met George - George Montague

British Singer/Songwriter George Montague has been enthralling viewers on YouTube with his particular brand of jazz-rock fusion. Continuing to wow live audiences up and down the country, now, accompanied by his Notsobigband, he has committed 11 self-penned tracks to posterity in the form of his first album ‘Have You Met George’. From the rinky dink piano of Hold On to the syncopated rhythm of The Smoke, George explores the human condition and his own idiosyncratic take on it, through lyrics that perfectly complement his musical arrangements. If in doubt, lay back and listen to the laid back exploration of imagination that is Mind, you won’t regret it. As a first album George, with the help of a highly talented and accomplished group of backing musicians, has produced an at times smokey,  at times steamy, but always stylish tour de force. Keep the name in mind, he’ll be around a long, long time.

 Have You Met George Album



I feel like a neew loo!!

It's been another busy week, On Friday morning I was made very welcome by Sadie, Jane & the team at Stourbridge Tesco as they invited the Mayor of Dudley along to officially open their new toilet for the disabled. It might not sound very rock & roll, but in fact it was a really big deal.Tesco has become only the second supermarket to launch a trial of hi-tech new toilet facilities for disabled customers.

I spoke to representatives of Tesco, Changing Places co-sponsor AVESO, as well as local families about the neccesity of the scheme. The Changing Places facility has been installed in the Tesco Extra store in Stourbridge, part of a new programme by Mencap aiming to install 1,000 such facilities across the country. The facility is designed for use by a variety of different people with profound and multiple learning disabilities, together with their carers.It includes a ceiling hoist, a height-adjustable changing bench, assisted sink, grab rails and privacy screen, all of which are essential to preserve the mobility and dignity of those using the facilities.

Without facilities such as these many families would be unable to shop and spend the day out in ways that you or I simply take for granted. Dignity was the watchword for the day, and I congratulate all those involved in the scheme and hopefully we'll see Changing Places facilities rolled out throughout the country. Check them out at

In the studio I welcomed a talented guy who was also tremendous fun. Actor Christian Dixon came along to talk about his Drama Therapy, conducted through his organisation Sky Elixir.
Christian chatted about the need for people to express their feelings in an increasingly stressful world, and explained how they can do it through drama therapy. Take a look at Christian's work at his website . We also chatted about his love of acting, Shakespeare's 450th birthday and cake! Christian was a wonderful guest who I hope will return to the Afternoon Show soon.

Also in the studio we said hello to founder and organiser of 'The New Un-named Classic Car Group' Ian McAuley. If you're into classic cars of all shapes, sizes and makes then go along to the groups facebook page and say hello

Ian came along to publicise their latest event a Classic Car Rally from 12 noon at The Old Waggon and Horses pub on the A451 Stourbridge to Kidderminster road on Sunday 27th April. £3 per car, all proceeds to the Teenage Cancer Trust.

Next up I spoke with Robert Chesworth, Chair of St Andrews Church Building Committee and Paul Taylor Executive Director of Veolia Environmental Trust. St Andrews in Sedgley is starting work on a new cafe & drop in centre aided with grant funding from the Veolia Trust. Robert kindly asked Simon & I along for a cuppa when the work is finished sometime in July.

Finally, I got the chance to chat with musician Dave Kelly from The Blues Band. The band are on tour and you can find details of venues and dates at their website .

Stacks Image 4Dave is an absolute gent and always good value to interview. I can do no better than quote from his bio on the website 'If there is such a thing as a British 'blues pedigree', then Dave Kelly's sets the standard.  Kelly is a blues craftsman - a journeyman who has served his time with the best.'

There are lot's of exciting developments in the offing just now, I'll hopefully be bringing you up to date with some of them in the next couple of weeks, in the meantime dont forget to give my shows a listen at

New Traditions 11pm Thursday
Friday Afternoon Show 1pm-4pm Friday



Saturday, 19 April 2014

And so it begins......

I began my broadcasting adventure almost by accident at the tail end of 2008, and my blogging seems to be following along the same lines. Two hours ago I had no idea I'd be spending my Easter Holiday typing into 'Marks Little Helper' and giving the world my thoughts on music, poetry, comedy and much else besides, whether the world wants those thoughts or not!

Since February 2009 I have been a presenter with 102.5fm The Bridge, a community radio station broadcasting to the Southern Black Country. Through the magic of the internet anyone can listen to the station through a variety of apps, or by visiting the station website .

My Friday Afternoon show is generally a mixture of music & chat, encompassing a variety of musical styles and genres along with a plethora of guests from all walks of life. Let me give you a little taster.

My show on Friday  18th April included:

An interview with first season X Factor winner Steve Brookstein. Steve is on tour and promoting his latest album, 'Forgotten Man' .                                                                                                                                                    I played three tracks from the album, California Dreamin',Rainy Night in Georgia and Good Man Down.

Steve has a great voice and in my opinion this is Blue Eyed Soul at it's very best, a terrific album, slow, sultry and soulful.

Steve is also a delight to interview, a lovely guy with a real feel for his music and his fans.

I also spoke to the talented guitarist & singer Mick Wilson, Mick is currently on tour with The Reflections Band Stacks Image 8
features musicians who have performed with bands and artists as diverse as 10CC, The Manfreds, The Hollies, SAS Band, Kylie, Alice Cooper and Sir Cliff Richard. They are coming to Huntingdon Hall & Redditch during April and I chatted with Mick about the tour, recording and his musical ambitions.
Prelude hit the top of the charts in 1974 with an acapella version of Neil Youngs ‘After The Goldrush’ I thought I was going to be chatting with founder member Brian Hume, but in fact I got to interview all three founder members, Brian, Irene Hume & Ian Vardy. We chatted about songwriting, gig audiences and bus stops!morpeth gig
Now it isn't every day I get offered cake on the show, but I spoke to Avis Robinson from the new Oak Furniture Land at Merry Hill to find out why they are playing host to The Deputy Mayor, Dudley Zoo’s CEO and even more importantly, why they had a lifesize  replica of Daseep the tiger made from cake! It turns out that the new store is the companies 50th, and by way of celebration they'd tied in with Dudley Zoo to celebrate the conservation work that the zoo is involved with. Avis promised to send cake to the studio, where no doubt it will be eagerly devoured before I get anywhere near it!
Lead singer Luke from local band Of Kings and Captains, popped along to the studio to talk about their latest single ‘Takes All Night’ and the launch party on Enville Ales beer bus, which is taking place next Friday. It was great to catch up with Luke and hear all about the guys tour in support of Jon Bonjovi last year.
Trainee Simon had been busy all week compiling my regular feature Todays Top Ten, this week it was favourite Easter songs, not an easy task, he included Hot Chocolate and The Jesus & Mary Chain, but number one came from The Steaming Weasels , a new one on me!
This weeks new music came from Family of the Year, Corrina Taylor, and Nude.
All in all an enjoyable three hours. The interviews can be heard on The Bridge replay page so if you're interested pop along to the website to check them out.
Saturday has, apart from putting this together, been a quiet day, but tonight I'm off to The Artrix in Bromsgrove to see legendary American folk singer/songwriter Eric Anderson who joins Irishman Ben Reel and his band for a musical journey through folk, R&B and Americana. A review of the evening will no doubt follow.

So that's it, my first ever blog entry, seemed painless enough and I haven't even talked about my evening show New Traditions (Thursday 11pm gmt) or my involvement with Community Production Company Hat's Off to Charlie. Still the weekend is yet young.....
